Monday, August 16, 2021

Miscellaneous Monday; The Problem With Good Ideas (For Me At Least)

 Howdy, everyone! 

Sadly, summer is nearly over 😢 But at least that means it is closer to hot cocoa, sweaters, holidays, leaf piles, and SNOW.... eventually. 131 days until Christmas, too. Scary, right? This year went fast.

Anywho, this is supposed to be about ideas. Good ones. AND THAT IS THE PROBLEM! Whenever I get a good idea for a book/story, I start on it. When I am a little way into it, I get another "better" idea that I want to start on! That is why I have trouble even finishing stories. As you know, the story I am working on involves orphans and a shipwreck. But this morning, I got another idea that is "better" than the one I am working on. Does anyone else have that problem? If so, do you have a solution? I was thinking choose 2 of my favorite ideas to work on and write the others down for later.

Well, that is all for now!



  1. I have that same problem, but I do not have a solution. WHAT DO I DO?!

  2. haha, that is what I'm asking!
    well, you could try what I'm trying; pick your two favorite and alternate between them. All other ideas, no matter how grand, jot down for later.
